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Gil soon discovers that he has what the hunky young men want and before long he's giving it every way they choose. In this fast-paced story set in 1980 sex-hungy guys abound, all wanting a share of the handsome newcomer. The innocent young American is catapulted into the center of intrigues of a horny crew shooting a movie in Rome. In this fast-paced story set in 1980 sex-hungy guys abound, all wanting a share of the handsome Gil Graham wants a job in the movies but when he enters the offices of James Rosen-one of Hollywood's toughest new-style producers-he gets more than he bargained for.

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Gil Graham wants a job in the movies but when he enters the offices of James Rosen-one of Hollywood's toughest new-style producers-he gets more than he bargained for.

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